Tuesday, October 23, 2012

.....annnnnnnd I'm back!

As many of you know, I've returned to school (part-time) to work on a Master's degree. While working on a recent history paper, Kristin encourages me to take some pressure off myself. I hast thought about it in any great detail before, but it turns out that I have high standards for myself. Who knew?

I think the same thing happens with this blog. I'm excited and anticipate a lot, but fall totally off track and then become discouraged.

So I'm giving this thing another kick at the can! This time, putting less pressure on myself, and just letting it be fun!

Time flies and life gets busy, but taking time to document and share life is important, so I'm going to try to do just that!

(... And with my new Blogger app for my phone, it might just be a little easier!)

Look forward to pictures of the kids, stories, things I'm learning and ... Food reviews! My brother might be getting annoyed with my constant text messages about what I'm cooking or eating, so I'll put it on here instead...

Hope you enjoy!


Sue said...

Yay!! You're back!! Looking forward to hearing what you have to say... but NO PRESSURE!! That's the joy in blogging - it's your blog so you get to do what you want with it ;-) Enjoy!! xo